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How Automated Invoice Processing Can Reduce Operational Costs

Read time: 5 minute

Is your AP team tired of the invoice processing grind? The endless paper trails, the manual data entry errors, and the sluggish pace that seems to slow down the whole operation. Yep, we and many of our clients were too! Until we decided to harness the power of Microsoft Power Platform to introduce automated invoice […]

Automation Impact: Time Saved Using Power Automate

Read time: 5 minute

With AI consistently in the spotlight, it’s easy to overlook its powerful ally: Automation. At Bespoke, we’re witnessing the significant automation impact and benefits on business processes firsthand, fueling our enthusiasm to share Power Automate’s capabilities with our clients. In this article, we’ll be sharing a few examples of how Power Automate has saved time […]

The Future of Efficiency: Exploring Business Process Automation

Read time: 5 minute

Efficiency is more than a goal, it’s a necessity for businesses trying to stay competitive. As more and more organisations seek to streamline their operations and elevate productivity, they’re turning to business process automation (aka BPA).  But, what exactly does this transformation really entail, and what tools are at its forefront? Let’s find out…  Understanding […]

Microsoft Copilot Preview For Power Apps and Power Automate

Read time: 4 minute

Hi everyone, Dan Finan here from Bespoke and in this video we’re going to take a sneak peek at Microsoft Copilot. Now Copilot is a new technology for Microsoft, it’s been bubbling away in the background for a little while now but it gained a lot of traction on Microsoft build and we’re finally in […]

How To Leverage Microsoft Power Automate within Microsoft Teams and Create Message Follow-Ups

Read time: 3 minute

Hi everyone, I’m Dan Finan. I’m one of the technical consultants here at Bespoke and in this short video I’m going to show you how anybody in the organisation can start leveraging Power Automate within Microsoft Teams to add some additional functionality. So for this example, I’m actually going to show you how you can […]

Maximising Your Workflow Efficiency with Power Automate Support: Why Expert Guidance Matters

Read time: 4 minute

In today’s fast-paced world, we’re all trying to do more with less. And with tools like Power Automate, life is a heck of a lot easier! It offers a simple way to automate workflows and simplify day-to-day operations. Sounds good, right? But keeping up with all of those workflows is a different story. And if […]

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