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The Power of Centralised Data Management

Read time: 5 minute

Is your data scattered all over the place, making it a headache to manage? You’re not alone. We work with a lot of businesses struggling with data spread across documents, spreadsheets, and systems, which leads to inefficiencies and compliance nightmares. Think about the frustration of hunting down crucial info hidden in different places or the […]

5 Common Mistakes When Using the Power Platform

Read time: 7 minute

Your organisation has taken the plunge and implemented the Power Platform across the board (great, move!). But without proper training, it’s likely that you’re not using it to its full potential. You’ve got this powerful tool at your fingertips, yet things aren’t quite running as smoothly as you’d hoped. We see this all the time […]

Enhancing Purchase Order Processes Through Automation

Read time: 4 minute

Struggling with purchase order process headaches? Slow approvals, manual errors, and endless paperwork/emails can throttle your business’s efficiency. But what if you could change all that with just one tool? Welcome to the Power Platform. This robust solution cuts through the chaos, transforming how you handle purchase orders – faster, smarter, and error-free. In this […]

How Automated Invoice Processing Can Reduce Operational Costs

Read time: 5 minute

Is your AP team tired of the invoice processing grind? The endless paper trails, the manual data entry errors, and the sluggish pace that seems to slow down the whole operation. Yep, we and many of our clients were too! Until we decided to harness the power of Microsoft Power Platform to introduce automated invoice […]

How Power Apps are Fast Tracking Digitalisation for Manufacturing

Read time: 4 minute

Manufacturing has often appeared resistant to digital change. But current trends suggest a significant turnaround. More than half (54%) of manufacturing businesses plan to spend 10% more on software in 2024 compared to 2023 with a spotlight on business intelligence and analytics. Enter Microsoft Power Apps. These applications aim to reshape age-old manufacturing practices into […]

Automation Impact: Time Saved Using Power Automate

Read time: 5 minute

With AI consistently in the spotlight, it’s easy to overlook its powerful ally: Automation. At Bespoke, we’re witnessing the significant automation impact and benefits on business processes firsthand, fueling our enthusiasm to share Power Automate’s capabilities with our clients. In this article, we’ll be sharing a few examples of how Power Automate has saved time […]

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