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One advantage of saving an Excel spreadsheet as a PDF file is that it allows someone to view the spreadsheet without owning the Microsoft Excel program. All they would need to view the PDF file is a PDF reader, such as Adobe Acrobat which is available for free download. Please note, you will only be able to view the Excel file in a PDF reader, but not change it in anyway. When you save a spreadsheet as a PDF you are given the option of saving particular sheets in a workbook, or the whole workbook itself.
In Excel, click on the file button and open up the spreadsheet or workbook that you want to save as a PDF file.
With the spreadsheet open, click on the file button again and when the options appear, click on the Save as button to open up the Save as dialogue box.
Choose a name for your PDF file.
Click on the arrow at the end of the Save as Type menu to bring up a list of file options and then click on PDF and then click Save.
Once you have clicked on Save, an Option button will appear in the Save as dialogue box.
Once you click on this Options button a new dialogue box will open up and this will allow you to choose what parts of the spreadsheet you wish to save. The default option is that all the pages of the current active spreadsheet will be saved.
In the Options dialogue box, you can check the Entire workbook option, or check the Selections options that will allow you to select what sheets of the workbook you want to save.
When you are finished with your options, click OK to close the dialogue box and then click Save to finish.
Your chosen spreadsheets or workbook will now be viewable in a PDF reader and can be shared with people who do not have access to the Excel program.